What have I been doing? I suppose I've been taking a little break. Sometimes life gets in the way of knitting and the past couple of weeks have certainly been the case for me. Its time for me to get back on board the knitting express.
After a few knitting catastrophes I managed to create a couple of quick FOs. These two scarves are exactly alike and us the raised bar stitch pattern from Big Book of Knitting Stitch Patterns, page 23. I truly like the simplicity of this pattern and the fact that it is reversible. I believe I used Woolease Thick and Quick and size 10 1/2 needles. Cast on ten stitches, rows 1 and 3, k1, p1, repeat; all even rows work each stitch as it appears; row 5 and 7 p1, k1. This simple pattern can easily be committed to memory and knitted in front of the evening news.