General Ginger Knits

random thoughts on knitting and the universe

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

...I remember enjoying both of these items at the time that I knitted them. I wonder what led me to abandon them? The needles are small (4 and 5) so that progress is time consuming. I recall that these were knitted on road trips with my sweetheart. The question is "are they WIPs or are they UFOs?"

orange sock

As I look back at both these items I'm amazed at my skills and abilities with the needles. As someone who has spent the past year knitting not much more than garter stitch scarves I'm pleased to see all that I've learned how to do and how far I've come. The end result are two very beautifully knitted items, so I knew the answer even before I started the hunt for the fifth number 5 needle that had gone missing from the bag. I knew as soon as I fished them out of the bag and spent 45 minutes detangling the yarns. I knew as soon as I saw the beauty of the items. Just because you lay something aside for a while does not mean that you won't go back to it eventually. I'm grateful that those items were there in the bag waiting patiently for me this whole time. Patience and persistence are wonderful things. So yes, these items are indeed WIPs and will be lovingly completed in time.


Blogger doubleknot said...

So happy you found the socks. You made me a couple pairs a few years ago and I still use them to keep my feet warm. Glad the pattern is there. Amazing how you do that with all those needles. Hope you make some more. Hint...hint

12:23 AM  

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