General Ginger Knits

random thoughts on knitting and the universe

Monday, June 06, 2005

in progress

What does this aran in progress look like? Here is my work slightly tidied up for camera viewing.

Usually I spread things out a bit more than this. I've included a picture of my notes to myself about which cable line I'm at. I've got three columns right now. The first number is the row of the 24 row cable and the second number is the eight row cable. Notice how they don't stay in line with each other. This makes it nearly impossible for me to memorize the pattern. I find that I can keep track a lot easier if I write out the corresponding rows and then draw a line under the one I just completed.

I didn't have much of a chance to knit this weekend. I've completed about a hundred rows so far.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks as if your project is coming along very nicely!! I will definitely be back to see your progress. btw...I thought I was the only one who kept notes of rows

8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wicked cruel pattern! Sounds like you have a system to deal with it. Your hundred rows look AMAZING!

7:40 PM  

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