The LYS grand opening last night was well attended. I hadn't been in her shop since opening day a couple of weeks ago and she has acquired quite a bit more lovely stock since then. I mentioned before that she is carrying a lot more high quality merchandise. I saw lots of things last night that were thoroughly tempting like gorgeous Lantern Moon wood needles. It was far too crowded to really shop however, so I settled for enjoying the tasty treats such as hummus and veggies. I heard some folks talking about the other LYS and saying that this one's atmosphere was a lot more appealing. Silently I had to agree. I hope this new shop does well and I hope that the old shop continues to do business too.
Here is a promised picture of the ball band of the yarn I'm making the flower cloths from. If anyone out there can read it I'd love to know what it says. I think I'm on my fifth flower cloth. There is enough yarn in each skein to make two cloths so I've been very busy!
That is Cyrillic. I can't tell if it's Russian or if it's another one of the cyrillic languages. It could be cyrillic from any of the baltic or ex-soviet states that still use a cyrillic alphabet. I'll ask my husband to check it out later (he speaks a bit of Russian) and I'll let you know if he comes up with anything.
Lantern Moon! Lantern Moon! she says, hopping up and down. :) (You know what to do....You won't regret it)
This will show you that I have NO LIFE, but whatever...
That bottom line in the middle (that's partially not visible due to the glare) says something to do with "yarn for knitting". There's a fourth word in there, but I was just throwing likely words into an online dictionary (it is yarn for knitting, after all) and those all fit. It would be easier if I had a Cyrillic keyboard, but...
In defense of how nerdy I'm making myself look here, I have a master's in theoretical linguistics, so this sort of thing always gets me interested. Otherwise, I have no excuse.
When Threadbear opened in Lansing, I was sure it would put one or two smaller places out of business. Miraculously, all 7 yarn venues are continuing to operate. Makes it heaven for us knitters. Hope your two shops do as well
In the middle it says:
"Chenille from Troitsk"
and underneath that:
"yarn for hand knitting"
On the right:
"100% cotton
100 grams 160 metres"
I can't read the rest
On the left:
"Troitsk Mills
town of Troitsk, Moscow Region"
then the address and phone numbers
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