General Ginger Knits

random thoughts on knitting and the universe

Monday, May 09, 2005


What's that hiding among the bushes? My MIL and I picked up a knockout rose each after our garden tour last weekend. We saw this plant blooming in nearly every yard we saw on the tour. It bloomed this week and is quite beautiful. My last rose has nearly succumbed to black spot so I was happy to find something that may actually survive this hot, humid climate.

I'm really hopeful this rose will work out because it certainly is pretty. This gardening thing certainly is a lark. You can't take it too seriously because it will break your heart when things die. For those of you interested in gardening check out the Garden Web Forum site. There is lots of good information from gardeners all over the world.

It was an all cotton weekend on the knitting front. I created several small face clothes and a sort of hippy bag. I've just got the finishing up to do on them and pictures will be up this week. Thank you all for your compliments on my latest felted bag. The original pattern started life as the Booga Bag but has had many changes and derivations.


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