General Ginger Knits

random thoughts on knitting and the universe

Saturday, January 08, 2005


The weekend is wonderful. I'm so exhausted from working this past week after having been off for two. Finally, I can have some uninterrupted knitting time where people aren't actually expecting me to work. I'm off to the LYS this morning to pick up those circulars that I need to finish the orienteering hat and to hang out with other knitting folks for the weekly wool gathering. Haven't seen them for two weeks due to the holiday season.

The second wildfoote sock is about an inch and a half away from starting the heel. Its possible I might be able to finish this project up this weekend. If I manage it I'm going to work on the orienteering hat that I started while roadtriping during the holidays. When I mentioned this to my sweetheart last night he said "yeah, what about that project" as he rolled his eyes as if to say "are you ever going to finish anything". Sometimes its tough to make our loved ones understand that the fact that our projects can be started, put aside, completely forgotten, put on hold, abandoned, or heck, even completed, is immaterial. For many of us, myself included, it is the process that we cleave to and enjoy so much. I am planning to get back to that orienteering hat, I am indeed. But who knows what will happen between now and the day that I pick up the needles. That day may be tomorrow or perhaps a year from now. Regardless, I love knitting no matter how many projects I have going.


In other non knit news my little kitty, Piglet, was spayed this week. Poor thing hid under the bed for three days!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a guy thing, straightforward, one thing at a time. Generally, I've found that men don't multi-task well and they sure as hell don't get several on-going projects.

Best wishes to Piglet for a swift recovery. My cats hate the vet too :)

The Yarnpath

3:20 PM  

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