brush with celebrity
Still not much knitting to report. Oh, wait, I have nearly completed a couple of Chenille Thick and Quick scarves to stick in the gift stash. Do these even count? It only took about an hour and a half to knit both. This knitting was just to keep my hands familiar with the whole knitting process because frankly, I've been way too busy in the garden to knit anything complicated!
Last weekend we slipped off to a lovely outdoor craft festival. I really enjoy walking around at these events because you find the neatest things you had no idea existed or that you really needed them. LOL I also love seeing how very creative people can be. I stopped at one particular artist's booth who had created a series of dog and cat portraits. Since I love animals, I had to stop.
goofey dog
Her work was fantastic and felt sort of familiar. I was milling around her booth when I noticed a print out from HGTV. That's when I realized who she was. Cathy Dailey was on an episode of Crafters Coast to Coast that I had just seen the other day. It turns out that she is from Athens, Georgia which is just up the road. I felt like I'd met a celebrity! I am completely addicted to HGTV and there I was talking to someone who had been on the show. It was completely groovy!
Cathy's art is completely fantastic and hilarious (see kitty butt)! She also does portraits of your family pets from photos. There is a fantastic one in her brochure of a Matisse inspired lounging kitty that is maddeningly adorable.