General Ginger Knits

random thoughts on knitting and the universe

Saturday, March 05, 2005

file organization

I read somewhere that storage has become a million dollar business with self storage units being built at the rate of...well, lots. One such unit was just built on a strip of land that used to hold several lovely trees that I drive by on my way to work. Another one is being built about a mile down the road from that one. I ask myself how much stuff do I really need? Not much, really.

I do, however, need a place to store my knitting patterns. Surprisingly, I don't have many considering the fact that I've been knitting for 15, uh, I mean 20 years. I bought this really neat portable storage filing system at a local discount store the other day.

It has these groovy multicolored file folders that pull out. Don't you just love office supplies? I was really struck by the colors of this little file and I loved the little button closure which is almost like a little purse.

My second sockapalooza sock is nearly complete. I've just got the kitchnering to do. Wow, I actually finished on time. Now, what do I want to do next?


Blogger Miriam said...

YAY!! I *lovelovelove* office supplies! That filing system looks great, and when you get more patterns than it will hold, you could add another one and make one garments and another misc. or something. I think I may need to head to an office supply store now *lol*


8:27 AM  
Blogger Tami said...

I love office supplies too. That file folder looks cool. Looks like I might need to head to Officemax. I enjoy walking down the aisles. I usually don't know what I need till I see it.

Enjoy your weekend.

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also love office supplies and LOVE that colorful little thing you got! I use a recycled three ring binder with those page protector slipcover sheets to keep them clean and dry. When I want to use one I just pull the pages out.
Its nearly time for me to get rid of the ugly old blue three ring binder however!

9:12 AM  

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