wip & Knitting POLL
Someone really should have warned me. I had no idea this whole felting process was so addictive. I couldn't stop myself and cast on for another felted bag. This time I'm trying Lopi instead of Cascade 220.
Lopi bag
I guess that I should admit that I already finished knitting this bag and it is currently blocking. Wow, what a quick knit. I truly love how this bag is coming out too. More details and photos later.
Knitting POLL:
What do you keep your WsIP in?
Personally I have a different bag for every work in progress. I like to recycle shopping bags for this purpose so that I don't have to worry about the state of the bag in case it gets slung around, tossed about, or slightly crushed. Yep, that has happened to all of my knitting bags! I select bags based on size and ease of use. It must be large enough to hold the wip but not so large that it will be flopping around. It also must have handles. I'm a grab it at the last minute and go kind of girl. I lineup all my WsIP bags in one spot in the TV room and grab one or two as I'm going out the door somewhere. I also prefer a bag that is a little on the stiff side so that it stands up rather than flops over while resting on the floor. Whew. If only these manufacturers knew what their bags were being recycled for. They might make them to knitters' specifications!
This is the bag that I used while knitting up the French market bag. I am happy to report that the quality of the bag is very high and can with stand lots of abuse.
So the question of the day is: What do you keep your WsIP in?